Making a Difference
to people's lives

Service update - essential services continue - Tuesday 12 May

While some restrictions on our lives are starting to change, for now our services are staying the same.

We will be continuing to deliver essential services to all our customers across Telford & Wrekin, Shropshire and Staffordshire. We will be:

- Keeping customers safe in their homes, this includes essential repairs such as major leaks and electrical damage. We are also continuing to service gas boilers and carry out other essential inspections in line with Government guidance and legal regulations.
- Caring for older and more vulnerable residents in various settings ranging from their own homes to specialist accommodation for specific needs.
- Providing advice and support on a range of issues from financial wellbeing to housing and welfare.

We have changed how we deliver many of our services with many meetings and consultations now taking place over the phone, but sometimes we may need to visit in your home. We have procedures in place to keep customers and our staff safe, these include asking you questions before we visit so we know the situation in your household, we can then plan our visit and ensure the correct government guidance for the situation is followed. Not all visits require the use of PPE, although it is vital that we adhere to strict social distancing guidelines. This is explained further in this video. This will keep both you and our staff safe.

Some services have had to stop in recent weeks but we are keen to restart them as soon as government advice changes and it is safe to do so. Our offices remain closed to the public.

Social distancing is important during the delivery of our essential services, we would like to thank all our customers for keeping their distance so our staff can carry out their work in a safe manner, and thank our staff for their professional approach to delivering essential services.

Some changes to restrictions on our lives are changing but we are all reminded that we should be staying alert and:

- Staying at home as much as possible, leaving only for exercise, to go to work (if you cannot work from home), buy essential groceries, and access medical care
- Limiting contact with other people, and keeping your distance (2m apart)
- Washing our hands often

Please continue to check our website and social media channels for updates and further information. If you would like to receive information directly you can sign up for email updates. Just let us know by emailing

12th May 2020