Making a Difference
to people's lives

C-19 update – new national restrictions, services unaffected

Tomorrow morning (Thursday 5th November) we are going in to a new national lockdown. This means changes for all of us with measures being bought in to restrict social mixing and reduce the spread of Covid-19 in the community.

Since the new restrictions were announced the government have been providing guidance to individuals and organisations. What the guidance means for Wrekin customers is that we will be continuing to deliver our services across housing and care in a covid secure way designed to keep you and our staff safe.

We will be continuing to repair and maintain properties in line with covid safe working practices. We will also be continuing to deliver personal care in customers in their homes again in line with covid safe working practices.

Hands Face Space

You are all reminded that we need to play a role in reducing the spread of Covid-19. Doing this will help protect your family, your community and save lives:

  • Hands – Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds
  • Face – Cover your face in indoor settings and when you may meet a customer
  • Space – Staying 2m apart from others

4th November 2020