Making a Difference
to people's lives

ASB Glossary

Words that we may use or words used in Court

Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC): This is an agreement signed by the person responsible for anti-social behaviour stating the behaviour that is expected of them. If breached, it may be used as evidence in Court to support further legal action.

Affidavit: A written description of events that have been witnessed by someone. This is sworn on a religious book such as the bible.

Affirm: Confirm the truth of something in Court (this is used as a non-religious alternative).

Barrister: A legal representative that can put someone’s case to the Court and question witnesses.

Breach: When the terms of an Order have not been kept.

Committal case: A case where the judge hears evidence and makes a decision whether to send the person to prison.

Complainant: The person who suffered from, and complained about, an incident of anti-social behaviour.

Contempt of Court: When someone disobeys the Court.

County Court: a Court where civil cases are heard.

Defendant: The person against whom legal proceedings are brought.

Demotion Order: An Order that ends an existing assured or secure tenancy replacing it with a tenancy with less security of tenure.

Ex Parte injunction: A type of injunction that does not require a notice to be served to the Defendant.

Hearsay evidence: Evidence based on what someone has told the witness and not of direct knowledge.

Injunction: An Order from the Court that tells someone to stop undertaking a particular action against someone else.

Interim injunction: A temporary Order made at a Court in advance of the full hearing.

Magistrates’ Court: A Court where criminal proceedings are heard and that deals with the less serious offences.

Parenting Order: An Order making a parent (of a child causing anti-social behaviour) access support to improve their parenting skills.

Perpetrator: The person causing anti-social behaviour.

Plaintiff: The person or organisation that is bringing the case to court.

Possession case: A hearing to decide if a tenant should be evicted from their home.

Possession Order: An order that entitles a landlord to legally evict a tenant.

Postponed possession Order: A Possession Order deferred on the condition that the behaviour is not repeated.

Solicitor: A legal representative who can put someone’s case to Court and obtain the use of a Barrister in Court.

Statement: A written record of events that a witness signs as a true record of what has been witnessed.

Suspended sentence: A prison sentence that is only enforced if the perpetrator breaks the Court Order within a time scale set by the judge.

Swear on oath: Confirm the truth of something in court that is sworn on a bible or other religious book.

Tenancy Agreement: A legal contract between a landlord and a tenant that defines the tenant’s right to occupy and the landlord’s right to receive rent.

Undertaking: A promise made to the Court by the perpetrator to either do or not do something.

Witness Care Unit: A service provided by the Crown Prosecution Service that offers support for victims and witnesses throughout the court process.

View a PDF of the ASB glossary.